Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Opinion article

Brazil in the G20: Leveraging climate finance for sustainable agriculture

Joana Chiavari, Priscila Souza, Gabriela Coser

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Brazil’s upcoming leadership roles in international forums, notably the G20 presidency, offer an opportunity to drive progress in mobilizing resources for climate finance and sustainable development, especially through nature-based solutions (NBS) by prioritizing finance towards climate-resilient and low-carbon agriculture. Brazil’s expertise in leveraging private finance for low-carbon agriculture can provide ways for shifting towards a low-carbon economy, especially in sustainable food production and energy-intensive industries This article evaluates key findings from Brazil’s national climate finance landscape on land use and, discusses opportunities within the G20 for leveraging climate finance in the agricultural and forest sector through policy and innovation.


Brazil. Climate finance. G20. Land use. Sustainable agriculture


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